Utilizing Government Property

Use of Government Property

UNM will ensure that it will use Government-owned property, either furnished or acquired under a specific Government contract, only for performance under that Government contract, unless otherwise provided for in the specific contract or approved by the cognizant Government Contracting Officer. UNM will not modify, cannibalize, or make alterations to Government property unless the contract specifically identifies modifications, alterations, or improvements as valid work to be performed.

Equipment acquired by UNM with Government funds shall not be used to provide services to outside organizations.


Government property will only be used on the contract to which it is provided or acquired. Any other use must be approved by the respective Government Contracting Officer.

As part of the annual physical inventory, the department will determine if the Government property is being used for its intended purpose and to determine whether utilization warrants retention of the property or declaring that property excess. The results will be documented in the Inventory Contact’s annual inventory list. When the review indicates that utilization does not justify retention, the department will coordinate with the Government Contracting Officer and the Government Property Administrator within ten (10) working days to determine proper disposition.


The movement of any Government property, whereby physical ownership will change, will be coordinated with, and approved by, the Government Contracting Officer and the Government Property Administrator. The movement will be documented by the PI by using the DD Form 1149, “Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document”, (see https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/forms/dd/dd1149.pdf). The Inventory Contact will forward the DD Form 1149 to the Property Accounting Department within fifteen (15) work days after movement along with the UNM Request for Deletion of Assets Form (RDA). All items will be packed and shipped to minimize the possibility of loss or damage. Movement will most likely be made in the original shipping container. This applies to Government property that is being integrated into a Government experiment at a Government facility.

Physical Safeguards

Each department is responsible for establishing processes that adequately safeguard the inventory for which their department is responsible.


If storage of Government property is required, within ten (10) working days in advance of its intent to remove an item, the PI shall obtain the Plant Clearance Officer's approval to remove Government property from the premises where the property is currently located prior to receipt of final disposition instructions. If approval is granted, any costs incurred by the Contractor to transport or store the property shall not increase the price or fee of any Government contract. The storage area shall be appropriate for assuring the property's physical safety and suitability for use.

Commingling of Government Property

Unless otherwise authorized, UNM will not commingle Government property with property not owned by the Government. If a situation arises when commingling is deemed necessary, the PI will obtain approval from the respective Government Contracting Officer and the Government Property Administrator.